Post Conviction Relief


Have you or a family member or close personal friend been convicted of a crime and been sentenced to a term of imprisonment?

Have you or a family member or close personal friend been convicted of a crime and been sentenced to a term of imprisonment? Have you or your family member or friend expressed dissatisfaction with the way the defense attorney advised you or them? Regardless of whether the case was resolved through a plea or a trial, all convicted defendants are entitled to apply for Post-Conviction Relief to have a determination as to whether their attorney was ineffective in his or her representation on the case that resulted in the conviction and sentence being served. However, this must be done soon after the conviction and sentence because there is a statute of limitations in PCR cases that bars going forward on applications that are filed too late! Our attorneys have the experience necessary to evaluate and assist you in these cases. The founding partner of the firm is a former Assistant Attorney General who handled thousands of PCR cases for the state and who has represented dozens of Applicants in their PCR hearings as well as handled their appeals from the hearing court. If you believe you or your family member/friend may need to file for Post-Conviction Relief, call us at The Bax Law Firm right away.